There haven’t been a lot of uplifting stories in the Ontario Standardbred world throughout the pandemic. But one that touched many was that of Taralee Waite, a young mother suffering with cancer whose husband, Glenn Cameron, surprised her with a horse as a Christmas gift.
The exchange was facilitated by Tara’s good friend Julie Morrison Kangas, best known in harness racing circles as the caretaker of Hall of Fame trotter Goodtimes. Glenn had asked Julie if she knew how to find a horse for Tara who had ridden a lot in her youth but hadn’t spent much time with them in recent years due to other commitments including raising two children, Kennedy and Harley.
Julie reached out to Joanne Colville at the Ontario Standardbred Adoption Society who had the perfect horse to suit Tara, a 16-year-old trotting mare with a kind and gentle disposition named Foamy. With the help of local horseman Jason Woodward, who shipped Foamy to her new home in Cavan, the mare was presented to Tara on Christmas Eve. Tara was absolutely shocked and delighted with the unexpected gift and the video showing her reaction was shared throughout social media at the time. Few could watch the video in its entirely with dry eyes.
“I can’t thank you enough for this, I am still in shock. I am floating on air knowing I have Foamy. I adore her. Thank you to everyone who pulled this off. This is the best ending to a very awful year. I love you,” wrote Tara to Julie after the emotional unveiling.
Indeed, the addition of Foamy to the family’s lives was enriching for the past few months and served as a welcome distraction from Tara’s illness which had been diagnosed in February of 2020. Unfortunately, despite a valiant fight, Tara’s cancer progressed and sadly she passed away this past Saturday. It was her wish to keep Foamy in the family so Julie has agreed to keep her for Glenn and the children.
“Tara was thinking about Foamy right until the end, she was very stoic and someone to greatly admire. This just isn’t how it was supposed to go and it’s all so sad,” said Julie who shared that Foamy knew when Tara drove in the driveway to see her.
We extend our most heartfelt condolences to Tara’s family and friends.